Mike Shark: Ghost Clue – the second novel in the sci-fi, cyberpunk book series about future detective Mike Shark, now has a cover! Ghost Clue puts Mike in a serious battle of the minds, when he has to solve a very difficult high-tech problem. Mike Shark: Ghost Clue will be published later in 2017. Buy the first book, Mike Shark:… Read more →
Category: Mike Shark
First chapter of Mike Shark: Living Proof – FOR FREE!
Get the first chapter of Mike Shark: Living Proof for FREE! Just click here to read it right now! Mike Shark: Living Proof is the first book in the science fiction novel series about Mike Shark – a hardcore noir detective, solving mysteries in the future city of Porto Remina. In Living Proof he’s after the murderer of a female… Read more →
Mike Shark out at Barnes & Nobles, Kobo
Mike Shark: Living Proof is now available at Kobo Books and at Barnes & Noble Nook. Since before, Mike Shark is of course also available at Amazon for Kindle and Apple’s iBooks. Amazon, Kindle Apple iBooks KOBO Barnes & Noble Nook Read more →
Mike Shark: Living Proof on Amazon and iBooks
Mike Shark: Living Proof – the first book in the science-fiction detective noir series, is now out on both Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks. Get this cool action-packed hardcore novel now, for your favourite reading device. Amazon Kindle, $1.99 Ebook for Kindle Apple iBooks, $1.99 Ebook for Apple iPhone/iPad/Mac Read more →
OUT NOW: Mike Shark: Living Proof
Part one in the Mike Shark sci-fi novel series, is now out on Lulu and DriveThruFiction! Get your softcover or e-book today! The city of Porto Remina, North American west coast, a couple of decades from now. Hardcore detective Mike Shark investigates the murder of a female chemist. But as the mystery takes him deeper into the shady undertakings of… Read more →
Mike Shark – Detective Sci Fi Noir
The city of Porto Remina, in the year 2100. Hardcore detective Mike Shark chases bad-guys and kills murderers. A sci-fi noir detective novel-series, always with an action packed story and suspensful mysteries. First book, “Living Proof”, to be released by Christmas 2016. Mike Shark – Living Proof by J. Pingo Lindstrom Published by www.PenguinComics.com 2016. Follow Pingo on… Read more →