Category: Mike Shark

OUT NOW: Mike Shark: Living Proof

Part one in the Mike Shark sci-fi novel series, is now out on Lulu and DriveThruFiction! Get your softcover or e-book today! The city of Porto Remina, North American west coast, a couple of decades from now. Hardcore detective Mike Shark investigates the murder of a female chemist. But as the mystery takes him deeper into the shady undertakings of… Read more →

Mike Shark – Detective Sci Fi Noir

The city of Porto Remina, in the year 2100. Hardcore detective Mike Shark chases bad-guys and kills murderers. A sci-fi noir detective novel-series, always with an action packed story and suspensful mysteries. First book, “Living Proof”, to be released by Christmas 2016.   Mike Shark – Living Proof by J. Pingo Lindstrom   Published by 2016. Follow Pingo on… Read more →